Q&A with the co-founder of Nekter

Co-founder and Chief Visionaory Office Alexis Schulze Raw, fresh-pressed juices are all the rage these days, especially in Southern California. At the vanguard of this trend is Nekter, which started in Orange County and has already spread to L.A. The company also recently introduced FedEx shipping so anyone can juice with Nekter anywhere in the country. Following is a Q&A with Nekter co-founder and Chief Visionary Officer, Alexis Schulze. Continue reading

Melinda’s Maca Balls

Found these delicious little gems at Nekter in Dana Point last year, and have been devouring them ever since. They’re mainly made of raw chocolate from Ecuador and maca, a superfood, from Peru. They’re organic, raw, gluten-free and vegan for those that live completely in these realms. I love them because they’re organic, and a great way to get chocolate and a little buzz, without any caffeine or too much sugar. Continue reading

Know your food and CA ballot initiative

Just participated in the I Will Know My Food Campaign, sponsored by Stonyfield, which makes luscious yogurt, among other products. I encourage others to participate, who are interested in knowing what’s in their food and making food choices that protect their health, family, farmers, animals and the planet. It’s fun and easy.  And, with every new Food Superhero Profile created, Stonyfield will donate $1 to FoodCorps (http://foodcorps.org/)

https://iwillknowmyfood.com/#home Continue reading

Liquid Fasting

I had heard about various types of liquid fasting, but had never tried one. The Master Cleanse with only cayenne pepper and maple syrup for days at a time was definitely not for me. So, a few weeks ago I tried a one-day juice fast for the first time. I did it on a Saturday and tried to keep my activity to a minimum so I didn’t overexert myself from lack of food. Continue reading

Girl Scout cookies and trans fats

I had an interesting exchange with the mom of a Girl Scout recently. It was outside a shopping center, where the Girl Scouts were doing their perennial cookie sales. I had noticed a few years ago that Girl Scout cookies had trans fats in them, in the form of partially hydrogenated oils, which was pretty shocking to me.

I was curious to see if the trans fats were still there, or had been eliminated, like in so many other products, since the evils of trans fats are pretty legion these days. Continue reading

Red Meat

The reasons not to eat red meat are legion. I will try to summarize the main points here.

First off, in the U.S. cows are injected with growth hormones and antibiotics. Also, cows are not fed what they should be – grass. They are fed animal feed and the like. So, every time you eat red meat, you are eating everything cows have been injected with and fed, but weren’t able to digest properly. Continue reading

Get ready for World Food Day

 October 16, 2011: World Food Day Rallies for the Right to Know About Genetically Engineered Foods

From the Organic Consumer Association: In the United States, there are few causes that nine out of ten people support, but 90% of consumers agree that we deserve the right to know about genetically engineered foods.

If almost everyone wants them, why aren’t there labels on genetically engineered foods? Because we haven’t yet built up a large enough movement to force companies, grocery stores, and elected public officials to bend to the peoples’ will. That’s what OCA’s Millions Against Monsanto campaign is all about. Continue reading

California labeling campaign

Effort is currently underway to get a truth-in-labeling initiative on the ballot for November, 2012. LabelGMOs.org is sponsoring this campaign. Its mission “is quite simply to get foods that contain GMOs (genetically modified organisms) as ingredients labeled so that we can make educated choices about the food we eat”, according to its website.

There are several ways to get involved, whether you live in California or beyond. Check out this link for ways to get involved: http://labelgmos.org/take-action/

Millions Against Monsanto

Here’s where you can sign a petition sponsored by the Organic Consumers Association to bring about truth-in-labeling by the Monsanto Corporation: http://organicconsumers.org/monsanto/action.cfm

According to the petition, up to 90% of U.S. soybeans, corn, cotton, canola, and sugar beets are now genetically engineered and routinely inserted into human and animal foods with no labels or safety testing.

More about Monsanto, which controls 90% of all genetically engineered seeds, according to this article : http://www.walletpop.com/2010/02/04/monsanto-the-evil-corporation-in-your-refrigerator/

Green Goddess smoothie

The Green Goddess Smoothie:

8 oz. organic almond milk
1/2 cup frozen or nonfat organic vanilla yogurt
1 tbsp almond/peanut butter (optional)
1 tsp spirulina
1-2 organic kiwis
1 scoop of protein powder

Put in blender until smooth.

This smoothie is tasty and chock-full of protein and antioxidants.

Repeat to yourself: “I am a Goddess!” and enjoy:)