Q&A with the co-founder of Nekter

Co-founder and Chief Visionaory Office Alexis Schulze Raw, fresh-pressed juices are all the rage these days, especially in Southern California. At the vanguard of this trend is Nekter, which started in Orange County and has already spread to L.A. The company also recently introduced FedEx shipping so anyone can juice with Nekter anywhere in the country. Following is a Q&A with Nekter co-founder and Chief Visionary Officer, Alexis Schulze. Continue reading

Liquid Fasting

I had heard about various types of liquid fasting, but had never tried one. The Master Cleanse with only cayenne pepper and maple syrup for days at a time was definitely not for me. So, a few weeks ago I tried a one-day juice fast for the first time. I did it on a Saturday and tried to keep my activity to a minimum so I didn’t overexert myself from lack of food. Continue reading